Never Never Land -Flea Free- 14Aug2018-#DrDonDeForge Silver Sands Veterinary

Donald H. DeForge, VMD
Silver Sands Veterinary
Milford Veterinary Hospital
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460

Never Never Land-Flea Free!  14August2018
Dr. Don DeForge-14August2018

Image result for CAPC picture of a flea

What is NEVER NEVER LAND.....It is a place where dreams are born and time is never planned; it is a place where you and your pet never grow old; and where unconditional love is shared with animal and man.  No harm can come to you and each day and you are part of a special place filled with cotton candy; hugs; and compassion.
That is what the Never Never Land Blog #DrDonDeForge Silver Sands Veterinary is all about. It is your sanctuary and place of peace where you can smile and laugh and never have to worry about your appearance; your make-up; or designer clothing. It is a place of protection for your pet.  Your pet in Never Never Land will be free from pain; free from itching; free from disease; and free from parasites.  It is a teaspoon of medicine that guides you in THE ways to protect your pet from trauma and assists you in finding early answers for the detection of pre-cancers.  It is Never Never Land!
Never Never Land-Removing the Itch!
According to the Companion Animal Parasite Council flea allergy dermatitis accounts for  about 50% of all dog and cat skin problems.  Let's work together to stop the itch!
Watch for scratching around the tail base, rear, and groin in dogs.  In cats crusty bumps can also occur around the neck.  Prescription flea products stop flea infestations but they cannot stop flea allergy.  If your pet is allergic to fleas..... a few bites over time can result in hours of scratching or licking.  You must use prescription flea and tick products year round and see your doctor of veterinary medicine if your cat  or dog is itchy.
In Never Never Land there are no fleas but that is not true in the world that we live!  You can search and search for fleas on your pet and come up empty.  Fleas are fast and hard to find; they don't want to be spotted; cats can lick and groom them away from their body but they can cause nasty skin problems if your pet is allergic.  It is similar to a person with a food allergy to nuts.  One nut on a food plate-even if not ingested-can set off a cascading and even life threatening reaction in a person allergic to nuts.  One flea can set off a terrible skin disease which can cause excoriation of the skin and secondary skin infection.
Not all pets are affected by flea allergy dermatitis.  They can be carriers of fleas and bring them to you or pets in your home that have a flea allergy and cause itching and scratching that is very uncomfortable.  Have you ever experienced an itch from a mosquito bite that will not go away.  Multiply that itch by 100 and that is what a flea allergy patient experiences constantly..
How can I bring my pet to Never Never Land which is flea free?  See your local doctor of veterinary medicine.  They will advise a prescription flea product to be used year round.  All pets in the home must be flea treated with the same prescription product even if they are not flea allergic.  The home must be treated by a professional exterminator with environmentally safe products.
Your doctor will prescribe anti-allergy medicines for your cat or dog to remove the intense itch and will follow-up with re-evaluations to be sure that your pet is happly and itch-free.
Find relief for your pet today....Never Never Land can be here with a simple phone call to your Animal Doc!
Dr. Don DeForge is a general practitioner in Milford, CT with over 40 years  of experience in companion animal practice and urgent care.  He welcomes your questions at:


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