Never Never Land-Cat Bartonella-An Important Zoonosis #DrDonDeForge #SilverSandsVeterinary

Donald H. DeForge, VMD
Silver Sands Veterinary
Milford Veterinary Hospital
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460

Cat Bartonella and Public Health Risks
Donald H DeForge, VMD

It might be miles beyond the moon,
Or right there where you stand.
Just keep an open mind,
And then suddenly you'll find
Never Never Land.
You'll have a treasure if you stay there,
More precious far than gold.
For once you have found your way there,
You can never, never grow old.
And that's my home where dreams are born,
And time is never planned.
Just think of lovely things.
And your heart will fly on wings,
Forever in Never Never Land.

Image result for Picture a a toddler playing with a kitten

The authority on Bartonella in cats is Dr. William Hardy, Director of the National Veterinary Lab!  For more information go to

In Never Never Land there is no Cat Bartonella!  In this world, Bartonella is a severe health risk to cats, dogs, and man.

In this review, there will be an isolation of Cat Bartonella as a Public Helath risk to humans.

Dr. Hardy recommends testing all healthy cats for cat Bartonella disease by [Western Blot Test] and all in house Elisa testing for Leukemia  and Immunodeficiency Virus  be re-checked and confirmed with-[i.e. Immunodeficicency Western Blot Testing and Leukemiia [IFA Testing].

Cat Bartonella causes inflammatory disease in cats including lymphocytic plasmacytic granulomas; conjunctivitis; uveitis; pulmonary granulomas; myocarditis; upper respiratory infections; urinary tract infections; skin granulomas, and oral ulcers.

Test or Not to Test:
Dr. Hardy recommends Bartonella Testing of all cats for their sake and for the safety of their owners.  Bartonell is a cat pathogenic organism of numerous preventable diseases and a zoonotic risk for their owners.

Feline derived Bartonella infection in humans can cause neurological; ocular; cardiac problems; spleen and liver granulomas; seizures; arthropathy; lymphadenopathy; cat scratch disease; and in rare cases can be fatal.

Cats get Bartonella from fleas. People most often get Bartonella from their cat through innocent scratches and bites when playing with their cat.

Cats and their fleas are reservoirs for Bartonella henselae.  All cats should be screened for Bartonella with a simple Western Blot blood test sent to National Veterinary Labs.

It is essential that any immunocompromised patient who owns a cat should have it screened for Bartonella.  If positive for Bartonella, the cat must be treated for Bartonella with Aziththromycin.  The immunocompromised person should NOT be the one administering the Azithromycin antibiotic to their Bartonella positive cat.

Anyone owning a Bartonella positive cat and especially the immunocompromised should immediately call their own personal physician and/or pediatrician and let them know that there is a Bartonella positive cat in their home.  Because Bartonella is a zoonosis, it is up to the primary care physician to decide if the pet owners or their children should also be tested for Bartonella disease.

Bartonella is a disease of all cats but because kittens are more playful than adult cats they often scratch and bite in a playful fashion which can transmit Bartonella to family members.
Speak to your local animal doc and schedule screening tests for Cat Bartonella for all cats in your home at the National Veterinary Lab.

Never Never Land is never found in a home with Bartonella positive cats.  Bartonella can be removed from your cat.  Find out about your cat's Bartonella status for the good of your cat and for those that you love.

Dr. DeForge has been a Companion Animal general practice doctor for over four decades and also an Urgent Care Animal Doc for the same period.  He welcomes your questions at:


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