Unconditional Love-Hard to Find-DH DeForge, VMD

Don DeForge, VMD
17 Seemans Lane-Milford, CT 06460

Can a Person with Dementia Be Left Alone?

Unconditional Love-Hard to Find

During this difficult time..... during COVD-19 when we evidence death and pain all around us, it is important to reflect on love!

Unconditional love is not of human brand.  It is found only in the animal kingdom.  Only infrequently is man able to separate ego and self to return unconditional love to another human.

It is not impossible!  I have been blessed to witness it and meet special "heroes" who did accomplish this awesome task.

But animals.....they are always bringing unconditional love to you and I each and every day!

As we continue in social isolation with anxiety about today and tomorrow, it is time to pick-up the phone and call a friend; a neighbor; a relative; a senior; or a person who just needs to hear the words: "Hello how are you today?"  That is unconditional love!

When done with this call~~~~ seek out the companion pet in your home and say to them....today I am returning the unconditional love that you give to me each hour of each day!

Read the story of Miracle below.  I never met Miracle but the wonder of this dog is now in my heart to share with you!
Dr. Don DeForge 15April2020 ~ 12:00

A Tribute to Miracle:
On Monday 4/13/20 at 11:27 am I had to say goodbye to my best friend. From the moment I met Miracle in a shelter in Cortland, NY in March 2004 I knew he was meant to be mine. He came to me a few months after my mother passed away and 2 years after my sister passed away and I always knew they had sent him to me as my very own fur angel to watch over me since they couldn’t be there. He was a faithful companion for 16 years and almost made it to his 17th birthday at the end of this April. He knew me before I was a veterinarian and was with me through vet school, internship, residency, multiple jobs, and multiple moves. He enriched my life in so many ways and I can’t even begin to describe how grateful and blessed I feel to have had him in my life. He touched the lives of so many other people too, from his younger years as a therapy dog at a nursing home, to my family and friends, and to almost anyone he met. He was often a better human than I was and taught me patience and forgiveness by watching his interactions with other people and pets. He had a gentle spirit and a sweet soul. He loved his cat brothers Frankie and Stewart and they loved him very much. Frankie was so bonded to Miracle and would kiss his face and sleep with him. Frankie was also Miracle’s “seeing eye cat” and would help Miracle navigate around the house after he lost his vision. Over the years people would frequently ask me why his name was Miracle and they would assume something big had happened to him. While he was a stray before the shelter found him, his name wasn’t due to this. Before her passing, my mother had suffered a stroke that affected her speech pathways so there were only a few words she could say clearly. She would say “my miracle” clearly when referring to my sister and I. When I met Miracle, I knew that was the perfect name for him and he lived up to it each day of his life. He will be so very missed by myself and his cat brothers but I know my mom and sister will take great care of him up in heaven until we meet again.
Thank you to everyone who loved Miracle and who helped me take care of him these last few months, and for the special people who helped me on Monday to make his passing peaceful.


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