Bartonella Disease in Cats
A Serious Zoonosis
Kids and the Immnosuppressed
2020/Jan/Number Three

Don DeForge, VMD

Bartonella in Cats A Serious Zoonosis

Image result for Picture of a toddler with a kitten

A Simple Solution:
Test all cats for Bartonella Disease with the Western Blot Test at the National Veterinary Lab! []

Treat all positive cats to prevent infection of humans and to prevent you cat from becoming ill from Bartonella Disease[s]!

Bartonellosis is an infectious bacterial disease, caused by the gram-negative bacteria Bartonella henselae.

Background: Pet cats can be infected with at least SIX species of Bartonella and any age cat is susceptible to infection. 
However, the medical literature shows that many severe cases of cat scratch disease in humans, especially in children, are associated with transmission from kittens.

Pathogenesis of Bartonella Infection: Cat and dog fleas and ticks all can carry and transmit Bartonella from cat to cat and probably from cat to dogs and cat to humans.
However, it seems possible, although not proven, that direct cat-to-cat transmission via scratches and bites, can transmit Bartonella from cat to cat as often as direct cat to human transmission occurs.

Kids and the Immunosupressed Important Targets

Kids and Kittens:
Kids love to play rough with kittens and are subject to accidental scratches and bites at a much higher rate.
Many pet parents come to veterinary hospitals with scratches and bites on their arms and legs from rough play with their kittens and adult cats.  Clients must be informed that Bartonella in cats is a zoonosis.

Comments from Dr. DeForge:
Dr. DeForge recommends all kittens and cats must be Bartonella tested with the Western Blot Test at the National Veterinary Lab.  
This laboratory also performs Western Blot Immunodeficiency Virus Testing and Feline Leukemia IFA Testing for cats.

Dr. William Hardy, National Veterinary Lab Director, may ask for a second test to be run if the first Bartonella test in your kitten is suspicious.  This can be due to an early antibody response in a young kitten.

Bartonella Disease:

Cat derived Bartonella disease can infect the the immunocompetent and immunocompromised people and people of all ages.

Recommendation for Cat-Owning Immunocompromised 
Clients [from the National Veterinary Lab]:

1] Avoid rough play with cats especially kitten

2] Wash cat bites and scratches imediately and thoroughly with running water and soap

3] do not allow your cat[s] to lick open wounds

4]  Control fleas in your cat with a prescription flea product

5] If you develop and infection [with pus and pronounced swelling] where you were kscratched or bitten by a cat or develop symptoms including fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue, contact your physician.
[from the National Veterinary Lab]

Have all cats in the household tested for Feline Bartonella!

Bartonella positive cats must be treated with specific antibiotic therapy to remove the infection from your cat.
Ask your doctor to have a Bartonella Test sent to the 
National Veterinary Lab, to screen for Bartonella infection, even if your cat is completely healthy. Statistics substantiate that 35% of normal healthy cats have Bartonella infection.

Bartonella can be transmitted to people from their cats by scratches, bites, or mere contact even without a known break in the skin.  It is imperative that the veterinary profession take this zoonotic risk seriously in order to protect their patients, clients, employees, and themselves. National Veterinary Lab-Dr. William

Bartonella causes disease in pet Cats: 

Bartonella causes inflammatory diseases in pet cats.

Bartonella infection in pet cats can be eliminated by antibiotic therapy; successful treatment can be confirmed by a post therapytiter! [Therapy Titration Test]  

All cats treated must be on a strict prescription flea control program to prevent re-infection.  Homes, with flea presence, should be treated by a professional exterminator.

Feline Bartonella Diseases: 

Oral Disease: 
Gingivitis- Oral Inflammatory Condition in Young Cats
Web Log #41-Stomatitis in Adult Cats-Not Bartonella induced]

Oral Ulcers 

Submandibular lymphadenopathy 

Respiratory Diseases: 
URI Rhinitis Sinusitis Ocular Disease: 

Uveitis Chorioretinitis Conjunctivitis 

Intestinal Diseases: 
Inflammatory bowel disease

Diarrhea (chronic) Vomiting (chronic) 

Other Diseases: 

Lymphadenopathy Fever of unknown origin 

Hepatic peliosis 

Bacillary angiomatosis 

Valvular heart disease (murmurs)

Bartonella can Affect Humans of any Age Group

Bartonella Diseases of People:

Cat Scratch Disease
Fever papule at scratch or bite site Lymphadenopathy

Regional Neurological Diseases:Encephalitis Meningoencephalitis, Encephalopathy

Aggression Cognitive dysfunction 
Status epilepticus

Ocular Disease 

Chorioretinitis Optic nerve neuritis 
Uveitis Disciform keratitis 
Conjunctivitis Parinaud’s oculoglandular syndrome Orbital abscess

Heart Diseases Endocarditis Valvulitis- vegetative Myocarditis Pericarditis Major Organs Involvement

Liver: Bacillary peliosis hepatis Granulomatous hepatosplenic syndrome

Spleen: Splenic bacillary angiomatosis 

Kidney: Necrotizing glomerulonephritis

Intestines: Inflammatory bowel disease Bacillary angiomatosis

Respiratory Diseases Pulmonary granuloma Pulmonary infiltrates

Musculoskeletal Diseases: Muscle: Bacillary angiomatosis Myositis Bone & Joints: Osteomyelitis Arthritis/ Polyarthritis 

Skin Disease:Bacillary angiomatosis 

Cutaneous rash- Henoch-Schenlein purpura Cutaneous granuloma annulare

Other: Fever of unknown origin Co-infection with Lyme disease Mononucleosis-like syndrome

Call your LDVM about scheduling a Western Blot Bartonella test in the cat your love.... a simple test for your cat.... a blood sample is collected~~processed~~ and sent to the National Veterinary Laboratory. 
DH DeForge, VMD

Questions about the Web Log
Contact #DrDonDeForge


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