Sayonara to the BAD and Welcome The Good News Today-Don DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary Center

     Donald H. DeForge, VMD          Silver Sands Veterinary Center                03June2016

Sayonara to the Bad News and Welcome the Good News Today

Bernie Siegel, MD states the following: "Remember the saying ---no news is good news! So why then do we spend so much of our life time reading about or listening to the news? Stop listening to the news before you go to bed, after you wake up, and during the day. Watch how much healthier you feel and the free time that you have." 

Dr. Siegel is correct........ the morning and evening news is inundated with BAD news. Murder, rape, auto accidents, suicide, children killing children, terrorism, war casualties, and babies being tortured are common daily NEWS stories.  We now live in a cyber world where traditional media competes with cable and Internet news.  One can actually listen to the BAD news 24/7 without making any effort.

Why do the young have little fear and only live "today" without considering the consequences of their actions?  Maybe the answer lies in what Dr. Siegel is saying.  They don't focus on the BAD news.  Most of the time they focus on NO news.  Their smart phones are focused on video games and friends activities on social media.

But the rub begins at a later age when youth messaging on social media becomes BAD news.  Bullyism is commonly initiated in social media. The scenario of BAD news leading to pain or even suicide in youth can be traced to hurtful accusations on the Internet.

Siegel states: "The answer is inside you.  The answer's to life's questions lie inside of you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust."  Buscaglia, my mentor and friend, in the 80's stated, "Don't waste your precious time asking why isn't the world a better place....that is time wasted.....the question to ask can I make it better?  To that there is an answer!"

So maybe Siegel is not completely correct.  Maybe we have to filter out the negative....whether it is the BAD in the evening news on your television....and all the negative stories in magazines and newspapers.....or the Internet.  We have to find a way to find the GOOD NEWS.  Yes...... there is wonderful GOOD NEWS occurring each and every day of our lives.  Something good can come from every experience of each day.  

The GOOD NEWS can be as simple as making someone else's day happy.  Do not live in tomorrow but live in today.  Do not copy the negativity of others but promote positive thoughts than lead to positive actions. You have the freedom to grow in happiness by rejecting the evil that resides in negative and hurtful people.  Buscaglia has captured the magnitude of simplicity when he asks you to consider making the world better by thought, word, and action.

Man's interaction with animal....the Human-Animal an example of finding the Good News.  The animal companion provides unconditional love and only asks for sustenance and a small return of this love.  A pat to the head.....a kind word.....a special treat.....these are the meager returns of love that the companion seeks. That is the lesson of life that goes unnoticed in a fast paced world centered on self, ego, and wealth accumulation. 

YES-it is so simple it goes unnoticed each and every day. The lessons taught through the Human-Animal Bond are much greater than those gained by any television news cast or Internet review of today's top stories.....i.e. politician berating their competition; one race hating other races; gang killings over drug turf; or road rage death..........These painful acts have no place in the world of man's companionship with animal.  

The Human-Animal Bond is the epitome of peace.  From newborn to the geriatric years man and animal are bonded in love. Siegel is correct......... the BAD news of reporting contains anger, hurt, and pain.  Unfortunately, we cannot just remove the negativity by turning off a television, computer, or smart phone.  We are part of the world that is reflected in "stories that sell"! We can separate ourselves each day by seeking out the elements of the Human-Animal Bond and actuating them in our daily lives with the smallest act of caring.  

You will find refreshing moments become refreshing hours.  People seek out "Happy Hours" each day to escape from their lives.  Natural intoxication can be found when we realize the secret of happiness lies right in front of our eyes and is only one step; one smile; one positive comment; or one caring action away.

You can become the teacher and the mentor of happiness.  First, you must learn to live in the moment.....just as the child who has not been corrupted by life's negativity.  You must reverse your life to a time when happiness was an ice cream cone shared with a friend or a walk in the park seeking the wonders of all of nature.

Is this impossible? Dedicate yourself to change.....make use of your talents not for profit or gain but to make this world.....your part of the universe....a better and happier place to live.
Once you do that you can then turn on the evening news....see Internet encapsulations of world problems and not become anxiety challenged.  The "tuning in" to the positive will allow you to reject the negative and make you a stronger person.  You can change yourself and the lives of others. Begin the journey today!

Dr. DeForge welcomes comments to his Blog at
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460


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