Life is a Clogged Drain-Dr. Don DeForge-Silver Sands Veterinary

Dr. Don DeForge-Silver Sands Veterinary Center 13Feb2016

Life is a Clogged Drain
You Just Have to Know How to Fix It

"Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn't be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should."
quote by Richard Dreyfuss

Baking soda, vinegar, and salt with a touch of hot water have been the recipe to unclog sink drains since the Fall of the Roman Empire.  Wouldn't it me nice if the problems of daily life were so simple to flush into a sewer.
Listen to your co-workers; your fellow students in school; the people at the gym; and those at the local sports bar.  What do you hear?  Problems-problems-and more problems.
You hear gossip and people talking negatively about their boss; their partner; their spouse; their coach; or their friends.  Listen carefully do you hear more positive or more negative.
Image result for Picture of two people arguing
What about jealousy.  Have you been to a party; a reunion; a work gathering and listen to how people defame others to make themselves seem self important.  What about those who lie to gain advantage.  The big game of the New Millennium is cyberbullying.  It is not a technique only used in school but it is used by adults who live in a world of negativity with a perpetual emotional clogged drain.  If someone has emotional problems of their own cyberbullying is their vehicle; their ride; their passion of pain.  Making others uncomfortable fuels their clogged drain of negativity.

Image result for Picture of a plunger to unclog a drain

How do we unclog the emotional plugged drain of negativity?  Books have been written about this; advice columns are prolific in newspapers and on-line; and professionals counsel people each and every day concerning the purging of negativity and finding happiness.  
I will not pretend to know the answer but I have been blessed to have been nurtured by parents who taught positive values.  I saw my mother in her final days of fighting cancer never complain.  She once wrote, "do not wait till someone is about to leave you and then regret telling them that you loved them....tell them you love them when they are vital and can share wonderful times with you....waiting to the end is only remorse and not love."

I was also blessed to know Dr. Leo Buscaglia and converse with him by pen.  His words are part of my daily life...I share them with you this day.

A Commentary and Prescription of Love by Dr. Leo Buscaglia:

"Each day, I promise myself not to try to solve all of my problems at once; nor shall I expect you to do so....

Starting each day, I shall try to learn something new about me and about you and about the world that I live in so that I may continue to experience all things as if they have been newly born....

Starting each day I shall remember to communicate my joy as well as my despair; so that we can learn to know each other better....

Starting each day, I shall remind myself to really LISTEN to you and to try to hear your point of view and to discover the least threatening way of giving you mine; remembering that we are both growing and changing in a hundred different way....

Starting each day, I shall remind myself that I am a human being and not demand perfection of you until I am perfect; so you're safe....

Starting each day, I shall try to be more aware of the beautiful things in our world---I'll look at the flowers; I'll look at the birds; I'll look at the children; I'll feel the cool breezes; I'll eat good food; and I'll SHARE these things with you....

Starting each day, I shall remind myself to reach out and touch you gently with my words, my eyes, and with my fingers....because I do not want to miss feeling you....

Starting each day, I shall dedicate myself again to the process of being a lover---and then see what happens....

You know, I'm really convinced that if you were to define love, the only word big enough to engulf it all would be "life"; LOVE IS LIFE in all its aspects.....And if you miss LOVE your miss LIFE!  Please don't!"  

Image result for Picture of Dr. Leo Buscaglia
Dr. Leo Buscaglia

 I truly believe that we can keep drains from being clogged if we initiate Dr. Buscaglia's prescription of LOVE when our children are just beginning to peek into a world that is tainted with negativity.  We must bring LOVE each and every day to our children to help them grow in LOVE and share that LOVE with others.  Read Dr. Buscaglia's words each is part of my life....I share it with you.
Image result for Two toddlers holding hands
Image result for Picture of children playing together

Dr. DeForge welcomes comments about his blogs-
Write to:
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460


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