Donald DeForge, VMD-Silver Sands Veterinary Center-HAPPY DAYS IN 2015!

Donald H. DeForge, VMD  Silver Sands Veterinary Center 12Sept2015

HAPPY DAYS in 2015



On Jan. 15, 1974, "Happy Days" debuted on ABC.
The sitcom depicting the lives of the Cunningham family and their friends during the 1950s ran for 11 seasons from 1974-1984. [from Wikipedia] Fonzie self-appointed the men's restroom at Arnold's as his "office," where he, Richie, and his friends would gather to work out developing problems. Written on the walls were phone numbers of his many girlfriends (there was a payphone in there, too). On opening night of the newly built Arnold's (after Chachi burned the old one down), Al had a desk set up in the new men's room exclusively for Fonzie. It included a desk telephone and organized pull-down sheet of all the phone numbers Al recovered from the fire.
Fonzie's rough past earns him a great deal of respect and fear from more antagonistic characters. Throughout the series he served as defender and protector of Richie, Ralph, and Potsie whenever they were confronted by various bullies and hoodlums. 
Comments from Dr. DeForge:
There was an innocence to the years depicted in Happy Days.  The Drive-In today replaced by the Drive-Through is a reflection of how society has changed.  We have Drive-Through fast food; banks; coffee; ice cream; camera film developing; and donut shops etc.  The emphasis has now become separation and speed of service rather than gathering, friendship, and attention.  Customers scream at the attendants; complain about their orders; and are many times very rude.
Why has society become uptight; anxious; and driven by complainers that enjoy hurting other individuals physically; emotionally; and/or both.  Why have we become a society where we love causing pain.  I do not know the answer but I see it day in and day out in the places I shop, visit, and visualize in reports communicated in the news and social media.  This next week look at interactions in the places you visit and watch how people handle adversity.
We must return to the fifty's...... get out of ourselves....... and become the other! We must look at the feelings, rights, happiness, and security of others.  Is that possible in 2015?  If you look at the news each night the answer is "no"!  If we look back and examine the post 9/11 days, we will see a people who found a common bond in wanting to help each other.  Yes, that bond only lasted a few weeks or months but that bond was found for a moment and glimpse in time.  That makes me believe that it can be re-ignited without a tragedy of the proportion of 9/11.  Mother and father must go back to speaking to their children as they grow and teaching them by word and example what is the meaning of love.  Parents have to be with their children more hours each day and not give them electronic baby-sitter phones and tablets.  Meals have to be shared as a family where parents listen to the problems and the concerns of their sons and daughters.  Family vacations must be brought back as vacation locations are chosen that the entire family can be happy about with memories being produced that bring strength and wonder to the lives of children.
Image result for Picture of a boy fishing seeing his reflection in the water

Image result for Picture of a father fishing with his son and daughter

The hope lies in the human spirit.  We live in a world where social media reports stories as they are actually happening.  We see the bad, the terrible, the horrifying, and the ugly each night in the news.  It is time for our children to see, feel, and experience the GOOD NEWS that is out there and around them each and every day of their lives.  Time passes swiftly.  In that passage of time, we can either bring love or negativity into the lives that we have chosen to create and mold. Each one of us can be a purveyor of miracles.....we can be remembered as being kind; helpful; good; gentle; and who cared a lot. The clock starts today!  Bring the GOOD NEWS to a family member; a child; the lonely; the forgotten; and...yes... the stranger that you meet in your day's journey.

Dr. DeForge welcomes comments about his blogs.  Write to
Silver Sands Veterinary Center
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460


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