Seven Healthy Lessons of the Human Animal Bond

Seven Healthy Lessons of the
Human-Animal Bond
Don DeForge, VMD


The Human-Animal Bond is not an entity or a is a way of life.  We can learn much from the components of this bond if we only take the time to consider its importance.  

Rockwell's 4 Freedoms have been discussed decade after decade..... ever since the ink dried on his Saturday Evening Post paintings : Freedom from Want; Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Worhship; and Freedom from Fear. 

The four freedoms refer to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's January 1941 Four Freedoms State of the Union address in which he identified essential human rights that should be universally protected.[2][3] The theme was incorporated into the Atlantic Charter,[4][5] and became part of the charter of the United Nations.[6] The paintings were reproduced in The Saturday Evening Post over four consecutive weeks in 1943, alongside essays by prominent thinkers of the day. 

One of the Seven Health lessons of the Human-Animal Bond comes from remembering Rockwell's Freedom from Want painting.  As Rockwell painted his image of no one being without; the Human-Animal Bond teaches us to help the abandoned pet and to feed the stray that is helpless and lost. The Human-Animal Bond's force in removing wants spills over to the Family of Man as we remember those in need especially at holiday time.

Lesson #1 Freedom from Want

Lesson #2  Showing Love and Kindness
Love and kindness are words we seem to forget as we are caught up in our own personal lives.  We can be drawn back to the meaning of these words when we see the child praying with his dog.  The innocence of a child who has not been corrupted by a world of me, myself, and I......... along with the love of his companion are strong forces not to be ignored.

Image result for picture of child and dog praying

Lesson #3 Respect for the Family of Man
The Human-Animal Bond is at its strongest when we review the meaning of the service dog to those in need.  Whether it be for the handicapped; the veteran returning from war; or the child with a reading disability...... the service dog connects unconditional love to resolution of discomfort and removal of fear.

Image result for Picture of a dog helping a handicapped person

Lesson #4 Respect for the Aged
The aged are a forgotten group in society.  There is common disrespect for their contributions and for their accomplishments.  We become too busy to visit, listen to, or bring happiness to parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents.  The seniors find comfort in the Human-Animal Bond as their animal companions bring them unconditional love.
Image result for Picture of a cat with a senior citizen

Lesson #5 Compassion
Compassion and empathy are words without meaning in today's society.  I called them the "ghost words" of our society.  Our special companions make us realize that compassion is alive and well as they help us through difficult times.  They are with us when we are ill; they help us in time of loss; and they do this freely without asking for anything in return.

                        Lesson #6 Helping the Stranger
Our companions save lives at peril of losing their own.  Search and Rescue dogs will give up their own life to preserve the life of a stranger.  This is a lesson learned from the Human-Animal Bond that is quite amazing.

                        Lesson #7 Giving Unconditional Love
Finally in summary unconditional love is the key that opens the lock of the Human-Animal Bond.  As humans, we restrict and place parameters around love.  It is not that way in the Animal Kingdom.  Love is free, unrestricted, unconditional, and never stops being given.

I have been asked if unconditional love can occur in the Family of Man.  My answer is always the same....humans are imperfect....we can strive but will never reach the pure form of unconditional love that is ONLY found in the Human-Animal Bond.



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