Love and The Human-Animal Bond

Unending Existence
The Immortality of the Human Animal Bond
DH DeForge, VMD

The world is not conclusion
A sequel stands beyond~~
Invisible as music~~~
But positive, as sound.
Emily Dickinson

Multiple essays have been written about the Human-Animal Bond.  This blog presents a new concept for further discussion: The Immortality of the Human-Animal Bond.  As the child above hugs his geriatric friend, the bond of love cannot be severed. 

Dr. Leo Buscaglia once stated that life must be lived to its fullest because no one knows when the journey will end.  A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 
Your special friend will one day complete one part of the journey and move on to the next.  I believe the next destination will be full of happiness without the pain of this world.  We will one day reunite with all of our special friends.  Till then, our memories sustain us and allow us great joy till we meet again. 


There are many trails up the mountain, but in time they all reach the top.
Anya Seton

The Human-Animal Bond is always climbing that mountain; finding the next trail; and eventually it ends in immortality.  The spirit of companion animal and man living on in memory forever.

The immortality cannot be chosen.  It can be the human advocate or the companion providing unconditional love.   To one we say a physical good-bye but unending existence is exemplified in a love that can never end.

Starting each day, I shall try to be more aware of the beautiful things in our world-I'll look at the flowers; I'll look at the birds; I'll look at the children; I'll feel the cool breezes; I'll eat good food and I'll share these things with you.  Starting each day I shall remind myself to reach out and touch you, gently, with my words, my eyes, and with my fingers, because I don't want to miss feeling you.
Leo Buscaglia

Starting each day I will find time for my companion and bring that companion love and attention.  I will play with you freely; laugh with you; and find special games that make you happy.  After a hard day at work, I will not fall asleep without holding you in my arms and telling you how much I love you.  I will sing to you and allow you to snuggle with me....we are one as we share what the famous have identified as the Human-Animal Bond! Let us tonight label this bond the Love Bond that allows you and allows me to separate ourselves from all of life's distractions and appreciate that LOVE is is IMMORTAL!  Don DeForge

Buscaglia talks about Vulnerability as the act of making it happen.  It is not a weakness; it is not a negative trait; but it is each of us allowing others to enter our universe.  That may be a companion animal; a friend; a lover; or a spouse.

It is all the same.  It is our freedom to offer love.  Our companion animals offer love unconditionally; when we take off our armor and let vulnerability enter our lives we find love!

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Dr. DeForge welcomes your comments and questions as he continues to write about the wonder of the Human-Animal Bond.


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