Searching to Find Happiness

Searching to Find Happiness

"The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer somebody else up. "   Mark Twain

"Looking for Greener Pastures and never seeing the beauty outside our back door."
                                  Don DeForge, VMD

 How great it would be to be that multi-million dollar ball player with the perfect knuckle ball.  As it leaves your hand, it flutters and jumps left and right and the batter swings and finds only air.  The crowds in the ball park scream your name as the game ends with your  fellow ball players jumping on you.  You have won the World Series.

It is the Super Bowl and your team is behind by two points.   You are called upon to kick a 55 yard field goal.  As you approach the ball, the world turns into slow motion.  You can feel yourself breathe; the ball ever so slowly comes toward you to be placed on the ground; you try to move your foot faster but it is slowed down as though it is being controlled by a force you do not understand.  Your foot touches the ball and it sails higher and higher and higher.  It moves to the right and just finds its way inside the right goal post.  You have won the Super Bowl.

It is a concert at Madison Square Garden.  You are chosen to open up for Elton John.  You begin to sing and the words flow effortlessly from your mouth.  Everyone is cheering and calling your name.  As you finish the song and start to walk off stage, they chant your name asking for an encore.

It is your wedding day.  You are marrying the most beautiful actress to light up stage and screen.  You say, "why has she chosen me?'  The ceremony ends you embrace and the kiss never ends. 

You are being inaugurated President of the United States.  As the oath of office is being read to you by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, you look out at the crowd of people at the Inauguration staring just at you.  The moment freezes in time.

You have worked in a Clinical Research Lab for 40 years.  Today, you can say you have found the answer to prevent ALL cancer in children.  You hold a child in your arms who has life-threatening cancer and know that your research will cure this child within a year.  A tear develops in the corner of your eye as you embrace the child.

"Looking for greener pastures and never seeing the beauty outside our back door." Don DeForge

How many of your friends talk to you about how much money they are making and how they enjoy finding ways to make more money.  Even when those ways are at the expense of others, they truly enjoy making more and more money.  What about the party you are attending and all that is talked about is each person's self importance' their new car; their new home[s]; their vacation to France etc. etc. etc.

Doesn't it get a little trite or boring to be part of this "spin cycle" of self-importance.  Do you ever ask, "why did I come here tonight?"  

Barbara Sher

I must be replaced by "we"!  Ego must be replaced by helping others.  Seeking remuneration for everything you do every moment of each day.....must be replaced by bringing happiness to others. 

Concerning the quest for love, I live with the words of my mentor, Dr. Leo Buscaglia inside of me each day.

Leo states: "We take love for granted; we assume we are all perfect lovers and all we need to do is wait and our love will grow and blossom as readily as a flower in spring.  Not so.  Love doesn't grow unless we do.  It takes patience, knowledge, experience, determination, and every positive trait we possess.  In addition, love is always changing and unless we stay aware and change with it, it eludes us!"

Don't let love elude you!  You have the capacity to love.....find a way to express that capacity.
Pets age and people age.  Have you spoken to your grandfather or grandmother in the last week?  Have you looked at your pet to find out if your pet is in pain as it ages?  Have you picked up your I-Phone and messaged a person who has called and asked for your help?

Takes my words and the words of Leo Buscaglia with you this day and each day of the rest of you life: 

"It is when we ask for love less and begin giving it more that the basis of human love is revealed to us." Dr. Leo Buscaglia

Questions concerning this Blog please address to:
DH DeForge, VMD


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