COVID-19 Update Dr. Don DeForge

Donald H DeForge, VMD
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460

Finding Compassion in an International Emergency
Senior To Senior - Crescent City Cat Club

COVID-19 Update: 
Silver Sands Veterinary~
Milford Veterinary Hospital

During this time of international COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Don DeForge and his staff want to share a positive news story with you about our history.

This year we are celebrating the 90th Birthday of the moniker, Milford Veterinary Hospital.  Milford Veterinary Hospital is our general practice under the umbrella of Silver Sands Veterinary.

Dr. Daniel Patchen after graduating from Ohio State University built Milford Veterinary Hospital on the site that is now Patchen Mews~~ 90 years ago.  His hospital was removed, after his death, to build the present condominium grouping-Patchen Mews!

I am sure many of you pass this site each day without understanding the significance of  Dr. Patchen’s contributions.  He would ride horseback many miles on farm calls each day before the automobile made traveling revolutionary! Dr. Patchen became one of the leaders of veterinary medicine in the State of Connecticut.

I assisted Dr. Patchen when he practiced well into his 80’s and did surgery for him.  His wife after her husband’s death asked me to continue the tradition of the name~ Milford Veterinary Hospital

His wife gave me her husband’s~~ Milford Veterinary Hospital ~~ street sign as a thank you in her husband’s memory and as a remembrance of his contributions to veterinary medicine. 

I do believe Dr. Patchen is watching this COVID-19 crisis and encouraging all of us to do our share to end the spread of the disease. 

COVID-19 UPDATE-updates will continue daily until this crisis ends........

We at Silver Sands Veterinary-Milford Veterinary Hospital~ in conjunction with CDC Guidelines have developed our “Foyer Admission and Discharge Zone” which completely eliminates social contact.

We have developed this for you.....................for your safety…………… so that no patient that is ill or needs diagnostics will ever be alone and lacking professional veterinary care.

Call Dr. DeForge or one of his staff about our  “Foyer Safety Zone for Veterinary Care.”  Phone 203-877-3221

God bless; be safe; and be well! 

We are OPEN and are here for you!  We are condensing hours during this crisis. 

All appointments are one hour apart to limit any parking lot social interaction. 

Do not come in for a medicine refill; to set up an appointment; for a general exam; or urgent care visit without:
FIRST calling us at 203-877-3221
Thank you-Dr. Don DeForge


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