
Showing posts from November, 2014

Seven Healthy Lessons of the Human Animal Bond

Seven Healthy Lessons of the Human-Animal Bond Don DeForge, VMD The Human-Animal Bond is not an entity or a is a way of life.  We can learn much from the components of this bond if we only take the time to consider its importance.   Rockwell's 4 Freedoms have been discussed decade after decade..... ever since the ink dried on his Saturday Evening Post paintings : Freedom from Want; Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Worhship; and Freedom from Fear.  The four freedoms refer to President  Franklin D. Roosevelt 's January 1941  Four Freedoms   State of the Union address  in which he identified essential  human rights  that should be universally protected. [2] [3]  The theme was incorporated into the  Atlantic Charter , [4] [5]  and became part of the charter of the  United Nations . [6]  The paintings were reproduced in  The Saturday Evening Post  over four consecutive weeks in 1943, alongside essays by prominent thinkers of the day.  One of the Sev