
Showing posts from 2020

Holiday Safety Tips for the Pet You Love

  Silver Sands Veterinary Donald H DeForge, VMD -Medical Director 203-877-3221 Happy Holidays 2020-2021 Holiday Dangers that can Poison your Pets!   Dr. Justine Lee T he holidays are stressful enough without you having to worry about rushing your dog or cat to the ER on Christmas Eve, right? Before you put any presents  below  the Christmas tree, do  your  pet a favor – learn about the common holiday dangers that are poisonous to dogs and cats. Certain holiday dangers pose threats to pets, including certain foods, plants, home ornaments, and decorations. Chocolate poisoning in dogs Foods One of the most common emergencies I see are chewed-through packages of  chocolate , chocolate-covered espresso beans, chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, chocolate-covered raisins, chocolate-covered  …  are you getting the hint?  Remember, your dog has a great sense of smell. Mix that with some sharp ...

Unconditional Love-Hard to Find-DH DeForge, VMD

Don DeForge, VMD 17 Seemans Lane-Milford, CT 06460 Unconditional Love-Hard to Find During this difficult time..... during COVD-19 when we evidence death and pain all around us, it is important to reflect on love! Unconditional love is not of human brand.  It is found only in the animal kingdom.  Only infrequently is man able to separate ego and self to return unconditional love to another human. It is not impossible!  I have been blessed to witness it and meet special "heroes" who did accomplish this awesome task. But animals.....they are always bringing unconditional love to you and I each and every day! As we continue in social isolation with anxiety about today and tomorrow, it is time to pick-up the phone and call a friend; a neighbor; a relative; a senior; or a person who just needs to hear the words: "Hello how are you today?"  That is unconditional love! When done with this call~~~~ seek...

Identifying Pain in the Pet You Love in Difficult Times-COVID-19

Don DeForge, VMD 17 Seemans Lane Milford, CT 06460 203-877-3221 Silver Sands Veterinary A General Companion Animal Practice Urgent Care NEW! Telemedicine Consultations Advanced Veterinary Dentistry Identifying Pain in the Pet You Love during: COVID-19 An Important Journey in helping your friend We search each day for the end of COVID-19.  It is a time of anxiety and fear!  The media continues to flash headlines and be the first to announce local community death totals and infected totals as though we were completing a score card at a ball game. Consumers are throwing protective gloves over supermarket parking lots after they pack their cars; not respecting social distancing in the markets; and continue to hoard. It is a continuation of  the me, myself, and I society that was always present but now is being fueled by panic and anxiety over a virus that no one understands. Why can't we try t...

High Blood Pressure in Pets-Hypertension a Hidden Problem

Donald H DeForge, VMD 17 Seemans Lane Milford, CT 06460 203-877-3221 High Blood Pressure in Pets Hypertension: A Hidden Problem Can the companion pets we love develop High Blood Pressure?   The answer is YES! A ISOLATED elevated blood pressure is not a reason to begin anti-hypertensive drugs. A DECISION on the USAGE of anti-hypertensive medicine is based on Multiple High Blood Pressure Readings Differentiating Primary from Secondary Hypertension Diagnostic Testing Consultation with your Local Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and/or an Internal Medicine doctor Hypertension in Cats: Occurs most frequently in older cats Many times coupled to kidney problems or hyperthyroidism What are the two numbers that make up a blood pressure reading? Systolic or the first number is the larger of the two numbers and measures the force of blood from the heart into the arteries Diastolic or the smal...

COVID-19 Update Dr. Don DeForge

Donald H DeForge, VMD 17 Seemans Lane Milford, CT 06460 203-877-3221 Finding Compassion in an International Emergency COVID-19 Update:   Silver Sands Veterinary~ Milford Veterinary Hospital During this time of international COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Don DeForge and his staff want to share a positive news story with you about our history. This year we are celebrating the 90 th Birthday of the moniker, Milford Veterinary Hospital.  Milford Veterinary Hospital is our general practice under the umbrella of Silver Sands Veterinary. Dr. Daniel Patchen after graduating from Ohio State University built Milford Veterinary Hospital on the site that is now Patchen Mews~~ 90 years ago.  His hospital was removed, after his death, to build the present condominium grouping-Patchen Mews! I am sure many of you pass this site each day without understanding the significance of  Dr. Patchen’s contributions.  He would ride hors...

Loving Our Senior Cats

Donald H DeForge, VMD 1-800-838-3368 Loving Our Senior Cats Senior cats aren't necessarily at the end of their life — they're just learning how to live it differently, so you and your cat still have plenty of time to do all the human-cat things that best friends like to do . Be proactive~~~not reactive! Talk to Dr. DeForge about basic testing for Senior Cats to rule out problems that can be minor now but major if left unattended. The testing recommended is not complicated.   Start with a Senior Profile and Complete Blood Count for cats.  These tests look at common problems found in older cats: kidney; liver; pre-diabetes; hyperthyroidism etc. The Complete Blood Cell Count looks at hematology.   It review Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, checks for infection and inflammation in the body; looks at your platelets etc.  These are the same tests run on humans but they are veterinary...