Dr. Don DeForge-The ABC's of FLEAS
Dr. Don DeForge
Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry
Medical Director
President of the Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460
Milford Veterinary Hospital at Silver Sands
A Total Service Companion Animal Hospital and Urgent Care Center
Main Hub of The Centers for Oral Care-Advanced Oral Medicine and Surgery
The Flea Cometh
Comments from the desk of Dr. Don DeForge
Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry
Medical Director
President of the Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics
17 Seemans Lane
Milford, CT 06460
Milford Veterinary Hospital at Silver Sands
A Total Service Companion Animal Hospital and Urgent Care Center
Main Hub of The Centers for Oral Care-Advanced Oral Medicine and Surgery
The Flea Cometh
Comments from the desk of Dr. Don DeForge
A female flea can consume 15 x's its body weight in blood on a daily basis!
Flea eggs are usually laid directly on the host-i.e. dog or cat- fall off and the life cycle continues in your home!
A female flea can lay over 2000 eggs in the course ot its life!
A flea can live anywhere between two months and one hundred days between blood meals!
Flea allergy is real and it causes great discomfort to pets!
In many instances, you cannot see the flea on your pet.....allergy is not an infestation it is an immune reaction to the flea bite.
Seek help if you at or dog is itchy and find out if there is a flea allergy present!
Do not rely on over the counter miracles products. The pet must be treated for the allergy; the pet must be treated with a prescription flea and tick product; and the home must be exterminated.
Do not use over the counter flea bombs in your home to try to eradicate fleas.
Seek veterinary consultation on proper prescription pet flea and tick control and proper home extermination. All pets in the home must be treated at the same time.Don't want till your house is overrun with fleas. Speak to Dr. Don DeForge today. He wants to help! Dr. Don DeForge wants you to know that fleas can transmit parasites. Fleas can also carry parasites, which they then transmit to their hosts. Tapeworms are most commonly transmitted by fleas. When dogs and cats groom fleas off their bodies, they often swallow the flea. If the flea is carrying tapeworms, they’ll then be released into the dog or cat’s intestinal tract.Cat Bartonella is a zoonosis. The cat can get Bartonella disease from fleas and then transmit it to humans by a scratch or bite. All cats should be screened for Bartonella. Over 30% of cats carrying the Bartonella bacteria are acting clinically normal. Call Dr. Don DeForge for a simple Bartonella blood test for your cat. This disease if found can be eradicated with medicine.
Milford Veterinary Hospital- Silver Sands is just across the street from Dan Perkins Subaru in Milford, CT. Call 203-877-3221. Remember the first visit is always free. Let Dr. Don DeForge a Voice of the Voiceless show you how he can make a difference in the life of the pet you love. Learn more at www.SilverSandsVeterinary.com
Flea eggs are usually laid directly on the host-i.e. dog or cat- fall off and the life cycle continues in your home!
A female flea can lay over 2000 eggs in the course ot its life!
A flea can live anywhere between two months and one hundred days between blood meals!
Flea allergy is real and it causes great discomfort to pets!
In many instances, you cannot see the flea on your pet.....allergy is not an infestation it is an immune reaction to the flea bite.
Seek help if you at or dog is itchy and find out if there is a flea allergy present!
Do not rely on over the counter miracles products. The pet must be treated for the allergy; the pet must be treated with a prescription flea and tick product; and the home must be exterminated.
Do not use over the counter flea bombs in your home to try to eradicate fleas.
Seek veterinary consultation on proper prescription pet flea and tick control and proper home extermination. All pets in the home must be treated at the same time.Don't want till your house is overrun with fleas. Speak to Dr. Don DeForge today. He wants to help! Dr. Don DeForge wants you to know that fleas can transmit parasites. Fleas can also carry parasites, which they then transmit to their hosts. Tapeworms are most commonly transmitted by fleas. When dogs and cats groom fleas off their bodies, they often swallow the flea. If the flea is carrying tapeworms, they’ll then be released into the dog or cat’s intestinal tract.Cat Bartonella is a zoonosis. The cat can get Bartonella disease from fleas and then transmit it to humans by a scratch or bite. All cats should be screened for Bartonella. Over 30% of cats carrying the Bartonella bacteria are acting clinically normal. Call Dr. Don DeForge for a simple Bartonella blood test for your cat. This disease if found can be eradicated with medicine.
Milford Veterinary Hospital- Silver Sands is just across the street from Dan Perkins Subaru in Milford, CT. Call 203-877-3221. Remember the first visit is always free. Let Dr. Don DeForge a Voice of the Voiceless show you how he can make a difference in the life of the pet you love. Learn more at www.SilverSandsVeterinary.com
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