Starting with Love All is Possible
Dr. Don DeForge on the words of Leo Buscaglia

Why do humans and animals have to grow up. When young life is simple. Life at that time is about "us" and not about "me"! As we grow older, we become entangled in ego and self-importance and forget all of the important parts of life. We replace the word "love" with "self-pleasures" and ignore all of the important wonders of "us"! The "ME WORLD" has a lot to do with age but it also has to do with the values that we were "taught" or "non-taught" during that time of growth. Others feel that the values that we were "taught" become "untaught" as we develop partnerships or relationships with lovers who state we are wrong and they are right.
As we grow our relationships are very important.
They should be exciting; energy filled; and saturated with adventure!
Unfortunately, somewhere along the line all of the wonder can get lost. It is so common today to see young people drifting into an identity that is consumed in self-interest; wealth accumulation; cheating; and falsehoods. It is the philosophy that everyone else is doing it why shouldn't I? It is the easy road. No work ethic and a complete party ethic without responsibility.
Is it easier to help someone or find a way to make yourself happy at the expense of others? No one is watching or judging you and it is quite easy to take the road of indulgence rather than the road of concern for your fellow man. As a matter of fact it is called "dumb" if you sacrifice to help someone and not enjoy the pleasure that you feel you deserve.
Take a moment and read the words of Dr. Leo Buscaglia that he coined in "A Start" and see if it makes as much sense to you as it does to me. I have led my life trying to follow Leo's prescription for happiness. I welcome you to take this same journey!
"Starting each day I promise myself not to try to solve all my life's problems at once; nor shall I expect you to do so. Starting each day I shall try to learn something new about me and about you and about the world I live that I may continue to experience all things as if they have been newly born. Starting each day I shall remember to communicate my joy as well as my despair; so that we can know each other better. Starting each day I shall remind myself to really listen to you and try to hear your point of view and to discover the least threatening way of giving you mine; remembering that we are both growing and changing a hundred different ways. Starting each day I shall remind myself that I am a human being and not demand perfection of you until I am perfect; so you are safe! Starting each day I shall try to be more aware of the beautiful things in the world; I'll look at the flowers; I'll look at the birds; I'll look at the children; I'll feel the cool breezes; I'll eat good food; and most importantly, I'll share these things with you! Starting each day I shall remind myself to reach out and touch you gently with my words, my eyes, and with my fingers; because I do not want to miss feeling you! Starting each day I shall dedicate myself again to the process of being a lover; and then see what happens! You know, I'm really convinced that if you were to define love, the only word big enough to engulf it all would be LIFE.....LOVE IS all its aspects.....and if you miss LOVE you miss LIFE! Please don't!"
Dr. Leo Buscaglia
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Silver Sands Veterinary Center
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