Starting with Love All is Possible
Starting with Love All is Possible! Dr. Don DeForge on the words of Leo Buscaglia Why do humans and animals have to grow up. When young life is simple. Life at that time is about "us" and not about "me"! As we grow older, we become entangled in ego and self-importance and forget all of the important parts of life. We replace the word "love" with "self-pleasures" and ignore all of the important wonders of "us"! The "ME WORLD" has a lot to do with age but it also has to do with the values that we were "taught" or "non-taught" during that time of growth. Others feel that the values that we were "taught" become "untaught" as we develop partnerships or relationships with lovers who state we are wrong and they are right. As we grow our relationships are very important. They should be exciting; energy filled; and saturated with adventure! Unfortun...