Fine Needle Aspirates-FYI!
Silver Sands DonDeForge, VMD Director Cancer? Why Veterinarians Perform Fine Needle Aspirates! Fine Needle Aspirates –With Informed Consent Average time for a Cytology report to be available: [1 week] Histopathology/biopsy surgery occurs only after the completion of the FNA cytology procedure at the pathology laboratory. As with other types of biopsies, the sample collected can help make a diagnosis or rule out conditions such as cancer ! Histopathology: When It's Used Histopathology is commonly performed on swellings or lumps located just under the skin if cytology is not confirmatory of a benign mass . Not ALL FNA Cytology procedures are definitive with a complete diagnosis; if a diagnosis is not definitive surgical biopsies or special stains may be needed for diagnosis. Early malignant tumors can often appear quiet and benign and some can h...