
Showing posts from April, 2020

Unconditional Love-Hard to Find-DH DeForge, VMD

Don DeForge, VMD 17 Seemans Lane-Milford, CT 06460 Unconditional Love-Hard to Find During this difficult time..... during COVD-19 when we evidence death and pain all around us, it is important to reflect on love! Unconditional love is not of human brand.  It is found only in the animal kingdom.  Only infrequently is man able to separate ego and self to return unconditional love to another human. It is not impossible!  I have been blessed to witness it and meet special "heroes" who did accomplish this awesome task. But animals.....they are always bringing unconditional love to you and I each and every day! As we continue in social isolation with anxiety about today and tomorrow, it is time to pick-up the phone and call a friend; a neighbor; a relative; a senior; or a person who just needs to hear the words: "Hello how are you today?"  That is unconditional love! When done with this call~~~~ seek...

Identifying Pain in the Pet You Love in Difficult Times-COVID-19

Don DeForge, VMD 17 Seemans Lane Milford, CT 06460 203-877-3221 Silver Sands Veterinary A General Companion Animal Practice Urgent Care NEW! Telemedicine Consultations Advanced Veterinary Dentistry Identifying Pain in the Pet You Love during: COVID-19 An Important Journey in helping your friend We search each day for the end of COVID-19.  It is a time of anxiety and fear!  The media continues to flash headlines and be the first to announce local community death totals and infected totals as though we were completing a score card at a ball game. Consumers are throwing protective gloves over supermarket parking lots after they pack their cars; not respecting social distancing in the markets; and continue to hoard. It is a continuation of  the me, myself, and I society that was always present but now is being fueled by panic and anxiety over a virus that no one understands. Why can't we try t...