
Showing posts from February, 2018

Removing Oral Pain-Restoring a Quality of Life #DrDonDeForge-Silver Sands Veterinary Network

Silver Sands Veterinary Network 17 Seemans Lane-Milford, CT 06460 Milford Veterinary Hospital Centers for Oral Care Silver Sands Veterinary Urgent Care House Calls for Pets [We are directly across the street from Dan Perkins Subaru in Milford, CT] Phone 203-877-3221 E-Mail: and Fax 203-877-8301 Toll Free: 1-800-838-3368 Removing Oral Pain Restoring A Quality of Life DH DeForge, VMD Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry Removing pain and restoring a quality of life is my mission!  For over twenty years, as an animal dentist, referral dentist, general practitioner, and urgent care doctor, I have been called upon to remove pain and suffering.   As I complete my work, the pet advocate is extremely happy.  Many times they cry because they feel the pangs of guilt from neglect.  I tell each client that if you do not know a problem is present it is not neglect. ...

THE HUMAN ANIMAL BOND-PROVIDING FOOD TO THE HUNGRY-Silver Sands Veterinary Network Food Bank-The Voice of the Voiceless #DrDonDeForge

#SilverSandsVeterinaryNetwork #MilfordVeterinary Hospital #House Calls for Pets #DrDonDeForge 17 Seemans Lane Milford, CT 06460 203-877-3221 E-Mail No Bowl Should Be Empty-No Pet Should Be Without Food Providing Food to the Hungry Supporting the Human-Animal Bond DH DeForge, VMD The Silver Sands Veterinary Network [#SSVN} has a mission of not allowing any pet to be without food. #SSVN has a Food Bank on site at Milford Veterinary Hospital that runs without stop year round.  OUR MISSION Bringing the Human-Animal Bond to a new level by providing a vehicle for all pet owners to be able to supply pet food to those pets in need with minimal or no food.  To let the citizens of Connecticut and especially New Haven and Fairfield County know that there is help available to all owners and their pets when times are hard. #DrDonDeForge and his staff of compassionate veterinary nurses and ass...