Obesity-Saving A Life! Don DeForge, VMD-SilverSandsVeterinary.com 29July2017
Obesity in Your Pet Saving a Life Dr. Don DeForge www.SilverSandsVeterinary.com Can the cure for obesity be just an injection away in Pets and People? Have scientists at Harvard and MIT found a cure for obesity? Snipping out bad DNA code could prevent or even cure obesity in those people with a faulty gene, say scientists from two top US universities Scientists in the US think they may have a found a way to cut out obesity by manipulating DNA Photo: PA By Sarah Knapton A cure for obesity could be just an injection away after scientists at Harvard and MIT discovered that a tiny DNA tweak causes the metabolism to burn up excess fat. Although it was thought that piling on the pounds was largely due to overeating and lack of exercise, researchers now think that genetics play a crucial role in whether fat is stored or used up as energy. People with higher BMIs (Body Mass Index) often carry a varia...