2017 Memorial Day Thoughts and Thanks-Don DeForge, VMD-Silver Sands Veterinary
Don DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary 29May2017 Memorial Day 2017 Thoughts and Thanks President John F. Kennedy "They do not need our praise. They do not need that our admiration should sustain them. There is no immortality that is safer than theirs. We come not for their sakes but for our own, in order that we may drink at the same springs of inspiration from which they themselves drank." — Woodrow Wilson "It is the soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the organizer, Who gave us the freedom to demonstrate It is the soldier, Who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag. And whose coffin is draped by the flag, Who allows the protester to burn the flag." Father Dennis Edward O'Brien, USMC Comments from Dr. Don DeForge: As we celebrate this weekend with picnics, parties, and outdoor cooking,...