A Danger in Your Home-Be Smart and Treat-Eliminate this Zoonosis!
www.SilverSandsVeterinary.blogspot.com Donald H. DeForge, VMD www.SilverSandsVeterinary.com DonDeForge100@gmail.com A Danger in Your Home- Be Smart and Treat Eliminate the Zoonosis 23March2017 Toxocariasis: Last year--- I published an article on the danger of Roundworm in dogs and cats as a zoonosis. It was the most read Blog on 2016. I bring it back in 2017. From the Companion Animal Parasite Council: Control and Prevention Puppies and kittens should be routinely dewormed beginning at 2 weeks of age, with deworming repeated every 2 weeks, until the animals are four to eight weeks of age and placed on a monthly product with efficacy against ascarids. To treat potential newly acquired infections, dogs and cats should be maintained on monthly intestinal parasite control products with efficacy against ascarids. Efficacy of the initial dewormings, monthly control product, and client compliance should be monitored by performing a fecal exami...