
Showing posts from June, 2016

New Methodologies for Good Health: PROBIOTICS- DH DeForge, VMD- Silver Sands Veterinary Center-Milford, CT

New Methodologies for Good Health: Join The  Probiotic Revolution DH DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary Center 25June2016 The term “probiotic” originates from a Greek term meaning, “For Life.” They are friendly bacteria and are often associated with healthy digestion and they live naturally in foods like plain unflavored yogurt!  Prebiotics are fiber that feeds the beneficial microorganisms residing in the intestine. Probiotics are live microorganisms that when ingested, can enhance intestinal microbial balance.  Prebiotics have been used in pet foods for decades, probably without pet owners even knowing it. "Research isn’t readily available to support every potential use of probiotics in animals, but veterinarians should remain open to benefits outside of a diarrhea remedy," says Susan Wynn, DVM, of Georgia Veterinary Specialists. "Clients will continue to demand probiotics and the industry will continue to find ways to use them." You sh...

Pets on Pot and Other Poisons-Stop An Emergency-Donald H. DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary

Donald H. DeForge, VMD             Silver Sands Veterinary Center                  10June2016 Pets on Pot Pet Poisonings That Can Be Prevented Pets and Pot :  From the Pet Poison Helpline-[ See end of this blog for details]   Pets are more commonly poisoned from marijuana through ingestion other than inhalation. THC is the toxin that causes the symptoms and is absorbed quickly after ingestion. THC has a strong  antiemetic [i.e. prohibits vomiting]  effect which makes it difficult to successfully induce vomiting to remove the toxin from the pet. Most animals will recover, with early Animal ER or Veterinary Urgent Care but it may take 1-3 days. Don't take a chance.  It you expect marijuana toxicity call your local ER doctor and a Pet Poison Control Center immediately.  See below for phone numbers of two well know national Pet Poison Control Centers. Can pets d...

Sayonara to the BAD and Welcome The Good News Today-Don DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary Center

     Donald H. DeForge, VMD          Silver Sands Veterinary Center                03June2016 Sayonara to the Bad News and Welcome the Good News Today Bernie Siegel, MD states the following: "Remember the saying ---no news is good news! So why then do we spend so much of our life time reading about or listening to the news? Stop listening to the news before you go to bed, after you wake up, and during the day. Watch how much healthier you feel and the free time that you have."  Dr. Siegel is correct........ the morning and evening news is inundated with BAD news. Murder, rape, auto accidents, suicide, children killing children, terrorism, war casualties, and babies being tortured are common daily NEWS stories.  We now live in a cyber world where traditional media competes with cable and Internet news.  One can actually listen to the BAD news 24/7 without making any effort. ...