New Methodologies for Good Health: PROBIOTICS- DH DeForge, VMD- Silver Sands Veterinary Center-Milford, CT
New Methodologies for Good Health: Join The Probiotic Revolution DH DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary Center 25June2016 The term “probiotic” originates from a Greek term meaning, “For Life.” They are friendly bacteria and are often associated with healthy digestion and they live naturally in foods like plain unflavored yogurt! Prebiotics are fiber that feeds the beneficial microorganisms residing in the intestine. Probiotics are live microorganisms that when ingested, can enhance intestinal microbial balance. Prebiotics have been used in pet foods for decades, probably without pet owners even knowing it. "Research isn’t readily available to support every potential use of probiotics in animals, but veterinarians should remain open to benefits outside of a diarrhea remedy," says Susan Wynn, DVM, of Georgia Veterinary Specialists. "Clients will continue to demand probiotics and the industry will continue to find ways to use them." You sh...