Life is a Clogged Drain-Dr. Don DeForge-Silver Sands Veterinary
Dr. Don DeForge-Silver Sands Veterinary Center 13Feb2016 Life is a Clogged Drain You Just Have to Know How to Fix It "Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn't be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should." quote by Richard Dreyfuss Baking soda, vinegar, and salt with a touch of hot water have been the recipe to unclog sink drains since the Fall of the Roman Empire. Wouldn't it me nice if the problems of daily life were so simple to flush into a sewer. Listen to your co-workers; your fellow students in school; the people at the gym; and those at the local sports bar. What do you hear? Problems-problems-and more problems. You hear gossip and people talking negatively about their boss; their partner; their spouse; their coach; or their friends. Listen carefully do you hear more positive or more negative. What about jealousy. Have you been to a party; a reunion; a work gathering and listen to how people defame others to mak...