
Showing posts from November, 2015

Freedom From Want-Don DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary

Freedom From Want- Norman Rockwell Don DeForge, VMD Silver Sands Veterinary 12November2015 Freedom from Want  is the third in a series of four oil paintings entitled  Four Freedoms  by  Norman Rockwell . They were inspired by  Franklin D. Roosevelt's State of the Union Address , known as  Four Freedoms , delivered to the  77th United States Congress  on January 6, 1941.  In the early 1940s, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms themes were still vague and abstract to many, but the government used them to help boost patriotism.  The Four Freedoms' theme was eventually incorporated into the  Atlantic Charter ,  and it became part of the charter of the  United Nations .  The series of paintings ran in  The Saturday Evening Post  accompanied by essays from noted writers on four consecutive weeks:  Freedom of Speech (February 20),  Freedom of Worship  (February 27),  Freedom from Want  (...