Recognizing A Gift: Don DeForge, VMD-Silver Sands Veterinary Center
Recognizing a Gift In Search of Lagniappe and Segullah Don DeForge, VMD 09May2015 Where Have All the Flowers Gone: In Search of Lagniappe and Segullah! So what is Lagniappe and Segullah? This blog has been written to honor those who practice Lagniappe and give Segullah as a natural part of their daily lives and to introduce these expressions of caring to those who do not know what they mean. We have gone from a society of wanting to help others to a society of self-importance; ego; and manipulation and cheating to gain importance and wealth. I was speaking to a handicapped worker at a box store this past week who was checking people into the store with their store ID. She was leaning over a shopping cart because she was in pain from hip arthritis. A customer being checked in said she wanted her cart. The employee said it was supporting her. The customer said get another cart I am in a rush and I need that one now....