
A Magic Moment-The New Puppy and Kitten Exam

  The New Puppy and Kitten Exam A Magic Moment that You Will Never Forget Dr. Don DeForge The New Puppy and/or Kitten Exam is a Magic Moment for the individual pet owner or the entire family.  It is the same as bringing a new baby for the first time to your pediatrician.   As veterinarians, we follow the life stages of all of our patients.  We start as Veterinary Pediatricians and follow our furry friends into their Geriatric Years as Veterinary Internists in Geriatric Medicine.  It is a privilege to take that journey. Dr. Don DeForge, Medical Director at Silver Sands Veterinary, [] advises that all new puppy and kitten owners to come to the visit prepared.   "Sit down the night before your appointment and make a list of all of the questions that you want to ask.  No matter how insignificant that you feel the question is write it down.  Dr. DeForge tells all of th...

Roundworm-A Serious Zoonosis

 Donald H DeForge, VMD General Companion Animal Care Walk-In Emergency and Urgent Care Roundworm-The Hidden Zoonosis Roundworm a Serious Zoonosis Toxocariasis Toxocara Roundworm A Serious Zoonosis Roundworm infection, or Toxocariasis, is a  zoonotic  disease — a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Dogs and cats are the definitive hosts for the roundworm species that commonly cause human disease.   Zoonotic Potential - Roundworm Infection Roundworm is common in our pet population in the United States.  It can be found in all ages of dogs and cats but is most commonly seen in kittens and puppies.  Because of this, it is critical to bring your pet to a veterinarian as soon as it is adopted; purchased; or rescued.   Your pDVM will set into place a very important deworming program to prevent your pet from being affected by roundworm and to prevent it from being spread to family; frie...

The Senior Pet-Unconditional Love-Become your pet's Super Hero!

Image Donald H DeForge, VMD General Practice Walk-In ER -Urgent Care 203-877-3221 Become a Super Hero and Help Your Geriatric Pet! “I wish people would realize that animals are totally dependent on us, helpless, like children, a trust that is put upon us.” –  James Herriot The Senior Pet and Unconditional Love- Become a Pain and Discomfort Detective! From the American Veterinary Medical Association: What do senior pets need to stay happy and healthy for as long as possible? No matter how well cared for, senior pets are vulnerable to aging-related issues, including certain diseases. This means that senior pets require more attention than younger pets, including more frequent visits to the veterinarian as well as possible changes in their diet and home environment. Here are some basic considerations when caring for senior pets: Increased veterinary care:  Senior pets need to see a veterinarian twice a year or more so signs of il...

Fine Needle Aspirates-FYI!

 Silver Sands DonDeForge, VMD  Director Cancer?   Why Veterinarians Perform  Fine Needle Aspirates! Fine Needle Aspirates –With Informed Consent Average time for a Cytology report to be available: [1 week] Histopathology/biopsy surgery occurs only after the completion of the FNA cytology   procedure at the pathology laboratory. As with other types of biopsies, the sample collected can help make a diagnosis or rule out conditions such as   cancer ! Histopathology: When It's Used Histopathology is commonly performed on swellings or lumps located just under the   skin if cytology is not confirmatory of a benign mass . Not ALL FNA Cytology procedures are definitive with a complete diagnosis; if a diagnosis is not definitive surgical biopsies or special stains may be needed for diagnosis.       Early malignant tumors can often appear quiet and benign and some can h...

Holiday Safety Tips for the Pet You Love

  Silver Sands Veterinary Donald H DeForge, VMD -Medical Director 203-877-3221 Happy Holidays 2020-2021 Holiday Dangers that can Poison your Pets!   Dr. Justine Lee T he holidays are stressful enough without you having to worry about rushing your dog or cat to the ER on Christmas Eve, right? Before you put any presents  below  the Christmas tree, do  your  pet a favor – learn about the common holiday dangers that are poisonous to dogs and cats. Certain holiday dangers pose threats to pets, including certain foods, plants, home ornaments, and decorations. Chocolate poisoning in dogs Foods One of the most common emergencies I see are chewed-through packages of  chocolate , chocolate-covered espresso beans, chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, chocolate-covered raisins, chocolate-covered  …  are you getting the hint?  Remember, your dog has a great sense of smell. Mix that with some sharp ...